Ang Zen

My name is Zezen Zaenal Mutaqin (Ang Zen), born in Kuningan, West Java, March 1981. I completed my junior and senior high school at pondok pesantren (Darul Ulum Karangtawang and MAKN Darussalam Ciamis Islamic boarding school) in Java–and I am proud of being santri. I finished my LL.B in Shari’a law at the State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta) in 2006. From 2003 to 2009 I worked for the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) before moved to Melbourne Law School for my LL.M (graduated in 2011). Thanks to Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) and my university in Jakarta for this opportunity. Participated in the Summerschool at Law School, the University of Utrecht on International Criminal Law Procedure and Human Right and Research Fellow at Leiden University in 2011. Worked for ICRC Jakarta from 2012 to 2016. Now I am doing my SJD (Ph.D. in Law) at UCLA Law School sponsored by LPDP Indonesia.  Currently, I am a lecturer at the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta.

I can be reached at or

Academic History

  1. Research Fellow Leiden University (2011)
  2. Upgrading Courses International Criminal Law Procedure and Human Rights Utrecht, Hosted by Utrecht University-  Washington University in St. Lois-Case Western University Ohio (Jul 2011)
  3. Melbourne University, Law School, LL.M (Dec 2010)
  4. The State Islamic University completed 2006 Undergraduate (S1) Islamic Law
  5. MAKN Darussalam Ciamis, West Java, completed 1999, Senior high school

Scholastic Distinctions/Honors you have received

The best graduate students, the Department of Comparative Law, Faculty of Shari’a and Law, the Stat Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta 2006

Professional History

  1. UCLA Library, Research Assistant
  2. Geneva Call Consultant, 2018
  3. Assistant to the Regional Advisor for Humanitarian Affairs (ICRC)  (2012-2016)
  4. ICRC Jakarta (Consultant) (2012)
  5. Lecturer at UIN Jakarta (Now)
  6. Researcher at Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI, Indonesia Survey Institute) (2003-2007)
  7. Staff researcher at Lembaga Penelitian UIN Jakarta (2006)
  8. Associate researcher LSAF Jakarta (2006)

Social and Community Involvement

  1. President of the University of Melbourne AusAid Club (UMAC) 2010
  2. General secretary of the Institute of Training Management, Central Board of the Association of Islamic University Student (PB HMI) (2006-2007)
  3. Head of politics and law department the Association of West Java University Student-GEMA Jabar (2006-2008)
  4. Editorial Staff of Warta Magazine of GEMA JABAR (West Java Civil Society Association) (2004-2005)
  5. Coordinator of FORMACI (Ciputat Student Forum) (2004-2005)

Latest Articles/Books

  1. Modern-day Slavery at Sea: Human Trafficking in the Thai Fishing Industry, Journal of East Asia and International Law, Vol 11, No. 1, 2018
  2. Culture, Islamic Feminism, and the Quest for Legal Reform in Indonesia, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 24:4, 2018-(Routledge)
  3. The Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Human Rights; What Should ASEAN Do?, Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 19, 2018-(Brill)
  4. Memahami Operasi ISIS di Marawi (Understanding ISIS Operation in Marawi—Mindanao), Gatra Weekly Magazine, edition 1-7 June 2017.
  5. Negative Sovereignty and Positive Sovereignty (Why the Great Power Invades Outlaw States), Canterbury Amicus Curiae Law Journal, Vol 1, No 4, 44-61 (2017)
  6. The Strong State and Pancasila: Reflecting Human Rights in the Indonesian Democracy, Indonesian Journal of Constitutional Review Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
  7. Book: Islam dan Urusan Kemanusiaan: Konflik, Perdamaian dan Filantropi (Islam and Humanitarian Affairs: Conflict, Peace and Philanthropy), Serambi, Jakarta (2015)
  8. Penghayat, Orthodoxy and the legal politics of the state: the survival of Agama Djawa Sunda in Indonesia. Indonesia and the Malay World Vol 42 No. 122, 2014
  9. What is Islamic Humanitarianism? An Indonesian experience, Korean Journal of Humanitarian Law, Vol 33 2013
  10. Bintang Di Atas Alhambra, Masa depan adalah setiap impian yang dimenangkan. A novel published by Bentang Pustaka (December 2013)
  11. Indonesian Customary Law and European Colonialism: A Comparative Analysis on Adat Law, Journal Of East Asia and International Law (4) 2, 2011


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